Oscar Jack

Oscar Jack Wilson was born on Wednesday 4th January 2012 by elective c-section at Samitivej Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand. He weighed 4kgs and was 52cms long. Healthy and happy he’s breastfeeding like a pro and all the family are delighted and exhausted in equal measure. Alfie in particular has been a great big brother and is often heard singing a medley of tunes to ‘baby Oscar’ as he calls him. Sweet!

3 thoughts on “Oscar Jack

  1. Congratulations Vicky, what a lovely start to 2012, I’m sorry to hear you had such a shitty hospital experience, we can exchange horror stories one day. Lots of love to you all and I hope you are resting and healing and loving that new little boy.
    Jess x


  2. Congratulation Pete&Vicky, Iam happy to learn that Oscar is doing fine and very.
    Also Alfie is a great brother.

    Give him a high five from me and Aggie.

    God bless you as you take care of him.


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